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At ISL we are committed to creating an educational environment that values diversity, promotes equity, fosters academic and social growth, and prepares students for meaningful participation in society. It reflects a commitment to ensuring that every student receives a quality education that meets their individual needs and enables them to reach their full potential.

The inclusion of students with special needs in mainstream education has been a major cause of concern for many governments around the world. It is a national and international development goal that is supported in most national legislations and in statements and reports that have been issued by international bodies such as the United Nations and Council of Europe 

In Pakistan, Ministry of Social Welfare Special Education, UNESCO and UNICEF’s have jointly spearheaded the efforts to normalize the concept of inclusive education. Article 24 of UNCRDP specifies the course of action for implementation of inclusive education. It is recognized that in order to meet ‘education for all’ challenge, the most effective way in Pakistan is the inclusion of large number of students with special needs in mainstream schools

What Is Special Education Needs (SEN) And Individualized Education Programs (IEP)

SEN applies to students who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it significantly harder for them to learn or access education than most others of the same age. It is used interchangeably with the term “disability” and describes a board range of physical and mental conditions. It covers a wide range of needs, including


To cater to students with such needs, an individualized education program (IEP) is developed to ensure that a child with an identified disability who is attending the institution receives specialized instruction and related services. The IEP is developed collaboratively by a team of individuals from various educational disciplines, the child with a disability, family members, and/or designated advocates.

What Are We Trying to Achieve Through Inclusion?



Inclusion ensures that all students, regardless of ability or disability, have equal access to high-quality education within their neighborhood schools. It upholds the principle of educational equity by providing opportunities for every student to learn and succeed in the least restrictive environment.​

Fostering Diversity & Acceptance

Inclusive schools celebrate diversity and promote acceptance of differences among students. By including students with special needs in mainstream classrooms, it exposes all students to a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and abilities, fostering a culture of empathy, understanding, and respect.

Enhancing Social &

Emotional Development

Inclusion ensures that all students, regardless of ability or disability, have equal access to high-quality education within their neighborhood schools. It upholds the principle of educational equity by providing opportunities for every student to learn and succeed in the least restrictive environment.​

Improving Academic Outcomes

Research has shown that students with special needs who are included in mainstream classrooms often achieve higher academic outcomes compared to those in segregated settings. Inclusive education provides access to a diverse range of instructional strategies, resources, and support services tailored to individual learning needs, enhancing academic success for all students.​

Research has shown that students with special needs who are included in mainstream classrooms often achieve higher academic outcomes compared to those in segregated settings. Inclusive education provides access to a diverse range of instructional strategies, resources, and support services tailored to individual learning needs, enhancing academic success for all students.​

Building Self-Advocacy &


Preparing for Life Beyond School

Inclusive education prepares all students for the diverse and inclusive society they will encounter beyond school settings. By learning alongside peers with different abilities, students develop essential life skills such as collaboration, communication, problem-solving, and empathy, which are valuable for success in higher education, employment, and community engagement.​​

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  • students need minimal and / or temporary modification and support, provided totally or mainly by the classroom / subject teachers

  • students require an Individual Education Plan (IEP) - planning for their individual needs is included in teachers’ regular unit and lesson plans​


  • students need moderate, longer-term modification and support, provided by the classroom / subject teachers, together with regular support from the SEN resource teacher

  • Each student has an IEP, prepared by the SEN specialist, in consultation with classroom / subject teachers, parents, and, if appropriate, the student themselves​


  • Students need substantial, long-term or permanent modification and support, provided by the classroom / subject teachers, SEN specialist, SNA and external specialists

  • each student has an IEP, prepared by the SEN specialist, in consultation with classroom / subject teachers, external specialists, parents, and, if appropriate, the student themselves

How to Avail Inclusion and SEN Services at ISL?

- To avail all Inclusion and SEN services and additional PKR 30,000 will be charged per month.

- To avail a dedication Special Needs Assistant (SNA) to accompany the student an additional PKR 50,000 will be charged per month

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